American Elite News: LOL: Sarah Sanders BURNS Acosta During Her Mother’s Day Interview



LOL: Sarah Sanders BURNS Acosta During Her Mother’s Day Interview


Sarah Sanders declared that whining kids are the best practice for dealing with CNN’s Jim Acosta, during her Mother’s Day interview!

The Mother’s Day interview also included White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway and White House Strategic Communications Director Mercedes Schlapp.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders fondly appreciates being a mother to three beautiful children 6 years and under, yet she doesn’t deny the fact that raising small children can be a challenging task – just like regularly dealing with Jim Acosta.

Sanders told the Daily Caller, “Both of them whine pretty regularly. They both like to ask the same questions and sometimes their tone needs to be adjusted a little bit. So I think that having kids has prepared me for the job that I have right now.”

She was then asked: “What’s more difficult: Dealing with your children on an onerous day or dealing with [CNN reporter] Jim Acosta?” To which, she replied: “In all seriousness, I think that having kids is great preparation for anything – especially a job you need patience for and they have certainly prepared me for this one.”

Watch the interview here:

Sanders also exposed the fear that her children may read “some of the negative stories that exist out there,” and so she tries to block them from such garbage as much as possible.

“I try to make sure I’m very intentional with the time that I have with my kids,” Sanders extended to all the working moms out there. “I’m gonna miss some of the moments, but the ones that I do have, I really try to focus on them, put my phone aside, block out some of the stress of work and really focus my time and attention on what they want to talk about and really zero in on them.”

She stressed the fact that being a leading figure in the Trump administration, it’s not the most crucial role in her life.

“I love my job. It’s an honor to work for the president, but there are a lot of people that have had this job before and there are a lot of people who are going to have it after. The most important, influential job I have is being a mom. There are a number of people who can do the job I have. Only one person can be the mom to my kids. So that’s certainly the most important and influential role I’ll ever have. I’m trying hard not to screw it up.”

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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