American Elite News: Trump Was Just Caught Out At The Grocery Store And Shocks Everyone With What He Did!



Trump Was Just Caught Out At The Grocery Store And Shocks Everyone With What He Did!


The start is the hardest thing to do. There’s only one chance to make a first impression. Knowing that, the Liberals have done nothing but making the road unbearable to walk for Trump since he stepped into the office.

According to our source, Freedom Daily, during an official visit to Utah State (he was signing orders to adjust the control of the public land, together with Sen. Hatch and Sen. Mike Lee) President Trump went to the grocery store, just like any other regular American citizen.

Not skirting a beat, Trump got a basic need truck and started to advance all over the passageways topping it off with foodstuffs and setting aside the opportunity to address the staff.

The purpose of his visit to the grocery shop was buying groceries for the LDS families in need. Astonishing gesture!

We can see that he is deeply generous by what he said during the shopping: “This is very exciting for me, I know so many people that are in your church, the Latter-day Saints. The job you’ve done is beyond anything you could think of — taking care of people the way you take care of people and the respect that you have all over the world.”

He is a perfect example of a politician whose actions speak louder than his words. You can see that by yourself in the photos below.

President Trump was giving his signature thumbs up while shopping for groceries.

Trump met with the leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. At Welfare Square, he praised their efforts to help the poor with humanitarian relief.

“Thank you, Mr. President,” stated Henry B. Eyring of the LDS Church’s First Presidency. “We’re here in a place where we have food and material that we give to the poor. But this is an example of what we do across the world. The idea being, we frankly have an obligation to God to look out for the people who, without our aid, have tragedy in their lives.”

But, not to forget the main reason for his visit to Utah – signing executive orders, regarding the control of the public land. On that matter, he said to the invite-only crowd at the Utah State Capitol: “With the action, I’m taking today, we will not only give back your voice over the use of this land, we will also restore your access and your enjoyment,” he told the invite-only crowd at the Utah State Capitol. “Public lands will once again be for public use.”

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