American Elite News: Obama Is Pissed After What Trump Just Armed Our Military With That Has Our Enemies Hiding In Holes



Obama Is Pissed After What Trump Just Armed Our Military With That Has Our Enemies Hiding In Holes


Trump is doing much better than Obama and it’s no secret. Obama was not able to take care of our country for eight long years. So now we are paying the price because he was not able to do his job.

However, times have changed and we are on the right track with Trump leading the way. Obama damaged our military in every way possible and Trump is here to fix that issue. President Trump is trying to reverse the damage that Obama did by emboldening our enemies, while at the same time making our military look like a bunch of plastic figures that are not able to defend themselves. But Trump is ready for action and he upgraded our military forces.

Now our military is no longer a laughing stock. Our rivals can no longer tease us because Trump is all about making America safe again. He has been working day and night to improve and expand our military forces. The POTUS just announced what he has in store for us. Trump unveiled a  badass next-generation B-21 Raider long-range stealth bomber, and every American enemy pissed their pants.

The U.S. Air Force was crying for help and it was in a desperate need of a new bomber aircraft. They finally got the toy they deserve. Now the U.S. Air Force is ready to rumble. It looks like people are working day and night up at the Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, where defense contractor Northrop Grumman is supposed to be in charge. Grumman will be developing and constructing the next-generation B-21 Raider long-range stealth bomber that has our enemies crying for their mommy.

Pentagon has the vision to buy around 100 of these new bombers by the mid-2030’s from Northrop Grumman, at a starting price of $550 million per plane. On the picture down below you can see the concept of what the bomber is supposed to look like. The B-21 bomber is expected to be able to fly under the radar and evade most radar systems known to the military. This new toy should also be able to fly auto-pilot without a crew on board.

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