American Elite News: BOOM: Roseanne Barr Rips ‘A**Hole’ Michelle Wolf For SICK Comments About Conway, Sanders



BOOM: Roseanne Barr Rips ‘A**Hole’ Michelle Wolf For SICK Comments About Conway, Sanders


Actress Roseanne Bar ripped “a**hole” Michelle Wolf for her sickening comments at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, reminding her of the three rules of comedy.

As reported by Breitbart, Wolf was the comedian host on Saturday night at the WHCD event. Wolf “joked” about abortion and attacked White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and White House adviser Kellyanne Conway’s personal appearance.

In response to Wolf’s disastrous routine, Barr said slammed the association for using “women to attack and bully women.”

they use women to attack and bully women.
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) April 29, 2018

Barr then said Wolf broke the three rules of comedy:

first rule of comedy: NEVER target someone more famous than U who is in the audience. U will lose the entire crowd.
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) April 29, 2018

second rule of comedy: comedy comes from LOVE, not from HATE! If u feel hate, you won't get laughs.
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) April 29, 2018

third rule of comedy: the comic has to be the 'a**hole' not the audience!
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) April 29, 2018

Barr finished by saying she learned these lessons after many failures, and implied Wolf would be wise to learn from her abysmal performance.

note: these rules of comedy r my own-learned from bombing 10k times
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) April 30, 2018

Here’s what Wolf said about Sanders, Conway, and Vice President Mike Pence being against abortion:

— “I actually really like Sarah. I think she’s very resourceful. But she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smoky eye. Like maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.”

— “Kellyanne Conway has the perfect last name for what she does: Conway. It’s like if my name was Michelle Jokes Frizzy Hair Small T**s. You guys have to stop putting Kellyanne on your shows. If you don’t give her a platform, she has nowhere to lie. It’s like that old saying: If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree. I’m not suggesting she gets hurt. Just stuck.”

— “He thinks abortion is murder. Which, first of all, don’t knock it ‘til you try it — and when you do try it, really knock it. You know, you’ve got to get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want. I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion. You know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress.”

On Sunday, White House Correspondents Association president, Margaret Talev, apologized for Wolf’s comments at the dinner.

“Comedy is meant to be provocative,” Talev said. “My interest overwhelmingly was in unifying the country, and I understand that we may have fallen a little bit short on that goal.”

Sadly, this is just the latest example of how the press and Hollywood elites slander the Trump administration every single chance they get.

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