American Elite News: Hillary Begs America For Money, Then Actor James Woods Shuts Her Down…FAST



Hillary Begs America For Money, Then Actor James Woods Shuts Her Down…FAST


Apparently, there is no shame for Hillary Clinton to ask the Americans for money.

As s former secretary of state with the failed presidential election behind her, Hillary decided to promote her organization Onward Together.

Her organization was among six other groups.

Despite the fact that we are aware of how much she has exploited the Americans in the past, she still asks for more money from her supporters. She probably thought that she could use Christmas and scoop some money from her supporters.

Clinton wrote: “Onward Together is ending 2017 by supporting six more incredible organizations fighting to protect voting rights and to make it easier for young, diverse candidates to get on the ballot and get elected.”

However, James Woods decided to bash her once again. He came forward on Twitter and did his magic by mocking her. He literally destroyed her. Woods never holds back on words and critics. He is a fan of bashing Democrats like Hillary Clinton. The problem for the Democrats is that every time he bashes her, they are cornered and there is no way out.

In the past, he mocked Hillary by claiming that she is “nuttier” than Nancy Pelosi, referring to Pelosi as the “gold standard of nuts.”

The American people are finally seeing the true face of Hillary Clinton. Behind her back, she hides an endless number of crimes and frauds. Aside from those we’ve heard of, there are probably lots and lots more that we don’t know about. Hopefully, everything will come out on the surface and Hillary will get what she deserves.

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