American Elite News: WOW: The Border Wall Would Pay For Itself AND MORE By Stopping A Minuscule Fraction Of Illegal Crossings



WOW: The Border Wall Would Pay For Itself AND MORE By Stopping A Minuscule Fraction Of Illegal Crossings


On Tuesday, President Trump visited the border wall prototypes in San Diego.

Trump has repeatedly stated Mexico will pay for the wall. But these stats show just how easily the wall will pay for itself.

Democrats continue to argue building the wall is too expensive, however that’s clearly not the case.

Illegal immigrants soak up welfare, public education, and bring crime which costs American tax payers. Stopping just a small fraction of that makes the wall an extremely valuable and useful investment.

The Daily Caller reported:

Estimates for building a solid physical barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border range from $18 to $25 billion, depending on the type and distance of the wall. Once constructed, though, the barrier would save several times that amount by reducing the number of illegal border crossers who end up on welfare rolls, according to Steven Camarota, the research director at the Center for Immigration Studies.

“The wall could pay for itself even if it only modestly reduced illegal crossings and drug smuggling,” he told the New York Post.

Camarota crunched the numbers and found that if the border wall cut an expected 1.7 million illegal crossings by 200,000 — about 12 percent — over a decade, it would pay for itself in fiscal savings from welfare, public education, tax credits and other benefits available to low-income, illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America.

At the higher end of effectiveness, if a wall stopped 50 percent of those expected crossings in the next 10 years, it would save $64 billion — nearly four times the cost of the wall — in welfare and social spending alone.

Donald Trump tweeted a video of today’s visit to Mexico.

Check it out below:

In his speech in Pennsylvania on Saturday, Trump told the crowd the Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto requested that Trump say Mexico won’t pay for the wall.

He declined, but also said Nieto respectfully asked and is a “really nice guy.”

“He said, ‘Mr President, I would like you to make a statement that Mexico will not pay for the wall,’” Trump said during the speech.

“I said, ‘Are you crazy? I am not making that statement,’” Trump countered.

Trump then said he told the Mexican President, “Bye, bye. There is no way I’m making that deal.”


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