American Elite News: WATCH: Maxine Waters FREEZES During Anti-Trump Tirade; ‘I’m, I, I, I, I’m Scared…’



WATCH: Maxine Waters FREEZES During Anti-Trump Tirade; ‘I’m, I, I, I, I’m Scared…’


It may be time for California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters to take a vacation from Congress and media interviews.

During an anti-Trump rant Wednesday on MSNBC, Waters froze, stuttered, and suffered a complete brain glitch while trying to smear the president with utterly baseless claims.

She began by claiming Trump is directing his subordinates to “protect” him from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

As noted by The American Mirror, it went all downhill from there:

“It’s clear that he’s obstructed justice. I think that the more we delve into it, the more we see not only signs of it, but actually efforts by this president to get them to basically protect him from the fact that he has colluded with Russia.”

“And that’s it. And you can call it any way you’d like to call it. But the fact of the matter is that we see the evidence of it. We see what he said, uh, you know, to Jeff Sessions. And the way that he’s treating Jeff Sessions because Jeff Sessions said, listen, I’m recusing myself. I’m not lying for you.”

“I’m, I, I, I, I’m scared of this stuff.  And I’m not about to get myself in a position where I can be indicted.”

Watch below:

After a year of investigating, Mueller hasn’t found or produced a shred of evidence against Trump regarding illegal activities or collusion with Russia.

Aside from misleading viewers about that, Waters embarrassing malfunction comes after she went insane on the House floor and said the phrase “Make America Great Again” is racist.

Waters went on a never-ending diatribe claiming Trump and is slogan disrespects people of color.

Waters has lost her mind countless times since Trump took office, where she often claims he should be impeached from office without providing a shred of evidence to support her egregious claims.

She continues to make the perfect case for why we need congressional term limits.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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