American Elite News: LOL: Trump Just Trolled Lebron James — The Internet Is LOVING IT!



LOL: Trump Just Trolled Lebron James — The Internet Is LOVING IT!

‘I’m Not Going to Invite Either NBA Finals Team to the White House.’

President Trump was asked by A reporter about recent remarks made by Lebron James, who both said his team would refuse to go to the White House if they won the NBA championship.

Trump’s response is priceless:

“I didn’t invite them. No, I didn’t invite Lebron James and I didn’t invite Steph Curry. We’re not going to invite either team. But we have other teams that are coming. You know, if you look, we had Alabama, national champion. We had Clemson, national champion. We had the New England Patriots. We had the Pittsburgh Penguins last year.”

Trump then mentioned that the Stanley Cup winners the Washington Capitals would be invited to the White House!

“You know, my attitude: If they want to be here, it’s the greatest place on Earth, I’m here. If they don’t want to be here, I don’t want them.”

Check out the video here:

The internet went nuts immediately, as we always love a nice feud…

As we reported earlier this year, Lebron believes he’s “Too Important To Society” to stop talking about politics…

“We will definitely not shut up and dribble. I will definitely not do that,” said the spoiled athlete. “I mean too much to society, I mean too much to the youth, I mean too much to so many kids that feel like they don’t have a way out and they need someone to help lead them out of the situation they’re in.”

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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