American Elite News: WHOA: President Trump Just Made A HUGE Announcement On Marijuana



WHOA: President Trump Just Made A HUGE Announcement On Marijuana

President Donald Trump supports a piece of legislation to end the federal ban on marijuana.

As detailed by the Los Angeles Times, this would be a major step toward reshaping the marijuana industry and overhauling the Department of Justice’s crackdown.

As controversial as the issue is, many are pointing out that Trump is looking at tapping into the billion dollar industry, where states who legalize marijuana could make hundreds of millions of dollars a year in profits by selling it.

Trump reportedly supports the bill, which was introduced by Sens. Cory Gardner, R-Colorado, and Elizabeth Warren, D-MA, and would allow individual states to determine whether they wanted to legalize marijuana.

On Friday morning, Trump told a group of reporters that he will “probably end up” supporting the bill and had a productive meeting earlier this week with a group of lawmakers who support the legislation.

Watch below:

In total, nine states and the District of Columbia have legalized all adult use of marijuana. An additional 20 states allow for residents to apply for a permit to legally obtain marijuana for medical purposes.

Trump is likely looking at three main reasons to support congressional efforts to lift the federal ban on marijuana: the billion dollar market, medical purposes, and regulation.

Trump was arguably one of the most successful businessmen in the world prior to becoming president, so he understands that the untapped marijuana market could help the economy grow even more. With unemployment at an all-time low, millions of new jobs created, the markets roaring, and economy booming, why wouldn’t Trump look to capitalize on that?

Canada is also on the verge of legalizing marijuana, giving the U.S. an even bigger opportunity for investments in the country and more jobs for Americans.

Secondly, the president has been a staunch proponent of allowing the medical field more power and access to help ailing patients.

Last month, Trump signed the Right to Life Act, a bill that will give terminally ill patients access to experimental treatments that could potentially save their lives. It will also allow more Americans to stay in the U.S. to receive the treatments rather than traveling overseas.

Medical marijuana is used to treat a variety of illnesses, ranging from nausea from cancer chemotherapy, side effects associated with chronic illnesses, seizures, Crohn’s disease, and so on. Medical professionals say marijuana could help solve major illness, but the current federal ban on the drug prohibits them from testing it on patients in most cases.

Thirdly, it would allow the federal government to actually regulate the drug, create uniform testing, and possibly allow scientists to begin testing it throughout different venues.

Of course, this is a highly controversial bill, and some are opposed to the idea of legalizing the drug.

Trump said he understands both sides of the issue, but that implied the three aforementioned points may be the deciding factor for him to support the bill.

Many political analysts are predicting that if Trump gets this legislation passed in Congress, he could go down as one of the most successful presidents of all time.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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