American Elite News: WATCH: This Reporter Tried To Corner Sarah Sanders About Trump’s “Animal” Comment…But She DOUBLED DOWN!



WATCH: This Reporter Tried To Corner Sarah Sanders About Trump’s “Animal” Comment…But She DOUBLED DOWN!

Sarah Sanders didn’t hold back during Thursday’s White House Press Briefing.

“I want to ask you because so many people around the country are talking about it over the past 24 hours, what did the president mean when he said some immigrants aren’t people, they’re animals,” Sanders was asked by CBS News’ Steven Portnoy.

Sanders then put the reporter on blast, doubling down on President Trump’s comments calling MS-13 animals.

“This is one of the most vicious and deadly gangs that operates by the motto of rape, control and kill,” Sanders stated. “”If the media and liberals want to defend MS-13, they’re more than welcome to.  Frankly, I don’t think the term that the president used was strong enough. MS-13 has done heinous acts. It took an animal to stab a man 100 times and decapitate him and rip his heart out. It took an animal to beat a woman they were sex trafficking with a bat, 28 times, indenting part of her body. And it took an animal to kidnap and rape a 13-year-old Houston girl.”

Watch the brutal takedown below:

Sanders continued, “The president should continue to use platform and everything he can do under the law to stop these kinds of horrible, horrible, disgusting people.”

The media tried to spin President Trump’s comments on MS-13 Typical fake news media to be “all immigrants,” rather than the MS-13 gang.

The manipulation never ends.

Donald Trump Jr. called out the New York Times for trying to spin his father’s words, “Weird what happens when you take out the first sentence specifically talking about MS-13 gang members. Not surprising that you would conveniently ignore that but I would think your readers deserve the truth not your chosen narrative. How does this even pass for ‘journalism’?”

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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