American Elite News: WATCH: CNN Panel Erupts When Panelists Call Trump And His Supporters Racist



WATCH: CNN Panel Erupts When Panelists Call Trump And His Supporters Racist


On Thursday night, a CNN panel erupted when a segment covering a racist lawyer resulted in the liberal guests calling President Donald Trump and his supporters racists.

As reported by Mediate, the panel began discussing Manhattan attorney Aaron Schlossberg, a random guy who was caught on camera going on a racist tirade against restaurant employees for speaking Spanish.

Unsurprising to many, when the panel was discussing Scholossberg, Trump was inevitably mentioned and blamed for the attorney’s comments and behavior.

Pro-Trump commentator Steve Cortes was pitted against host Don Lemon, Tara Setmayer, and Tim Wise. It was a 3-1 situation, where Cortes was pitted against panelists desperate to frame Trump and his supporters as racist.

After playing the clip of Scholossberg’s comments, Lemon said “similar” comments have been made by Trump, to which Cortes said that was false.

Cortes also told Lemon that “by their logic,” Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, is responsible for one his supporters shooting Rep. Steve Scalise, R-LA, last year during a congressional baseball practice.

Lemon didn’t like that comment, and doubled down on labeling Trump as racist.

“Has this president ever done anything that you think is racist?” Lemon asked, again insinuating that Trump is racist.

“Gosh no,” Cortes answered. “Absolutely not.”

Watch below, with the segment on this case being the first thing discussed in the video:

Lemon closed out the segment by saying he encounters racist people every single day, likening them to Trump and saying the president has created a bigoted culture in America.

Setmayer and Wise continuously agreed with Lemon, saying Trump is racist and ignited racial tensions across the country.

“I encounter people like him all the time. These are everyday racists. These are everyday bigots. These are people you encounter all the time in life and every time it happens, you can’t just say ‘Oh my gosh, this person is crazy’ and they’re conflating them with people who have something wrong with them. They have something wrong with them is that they’re racists.”

Wow. CNN’s anchor is now blaming Trump for racism in America, and he will attack you for it if you defend the president.

The entire CNN segment was downright embarrassing, yet no one aside from Cortes took issue with labeling Trump as racist and saying he has encouraged racism across the country.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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