American Elite News: Trump Unveils Where He’ll Donate His Quarterly Salary



Trump Unveils Where He’ll Donate His Quarterly Salary


President Donald Trump continues to honor his commitment to donate his presidential salary each quarter, and he just revealed where he’ll donate his first quarter 2018 paycheck.

According to The Hill, the president’s check will go to the Office of Veterans Affairs, where it will be used for the department’s caregiver program to help the heroes who selflessly served the nation.

During the press briefing on Thursday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders presented the $100,000 check to Acting Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie.

“As you all know, President Trump is deeply committed to our veterans,” Sanders said. “These brave men and women have given so much to our country and deserve our absolute best, which is why this President is fighting for reform and accountability at the VA.”

Accepting the check and speaking at the press briefing, Wilkie said the money will go toward peer support programs, mental health, financial aid, and research to help veterans.

“The president’s gift underscores his promise to do all he can for vets, which includes supporting those who care for veterans. Not just those of us at VA, but the husbands, the wives, the families and the community caregivers who are out there day in and day out,” Wilkie said.

Watch below:

Wilkie said Trump “understands the critical role of caregivers in meeting the essential needs of veterans.”

Since taking office, Trump has donated every every penny of his presidential salary to various agencies and departments in the federal government.

In 2017, Trump donated his four paychecks to the National Park Service, the Education Department, battling the opioid crisis, and the Department of Transportation.

Trump vowed to donate his entire presidential salary to help the American people, and he continues to honor his commitment.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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