American Elite News: BREAKING: Trump’s Looming Announcement On Planned Parenthood Will Make Conservatives REJOICE!



BREAKING: Trump’s Looming Announcement On Planned Parenthood Will Make Conservatives REJOICE!


President Donald Trump’s administration is expected to announce on Friday that it will take swift action to cut federal funding to Planned Parenthood with a Reagan-era rule.

According to The Weekly Standard, the announcement is reportedly going to be so bold that it will make conservatives everywhere rejoice!

The administration will reportedly bring back Reagan-era abortion restrictions on federal family planning dollars, which would place major restrictions on Planned Parenthood and all other abortion providers in the U.S.

As noted by The Weekly Standard, here’s the administration’s plan:

“The regulations would ban organizations that receive family planning dollars under the Title X Family Planning Program, which funds organizations providing services like birth control to low-income women and men, from promoting abortion or referring patients for abortions.”

“Former President Reagan first issued the regulations, which Democrats describe as a domestic gag rule, in 1988. They also require a physical and financial separation of Title X funding recipients from abortion providers.”

Republicans and pro-life advocates say Trump vowed on the campaign trail to cut funding for abortion providers and that there has never been a better time than now to make that happen.

“The life issue is a huge motivator for the right. Getting a win on the pro-life side, even if it’s regulatory rather than legislative, would be huge, and encourage people to come out and vote for the members who pushed for action on this,” said Kelly Marcum, a legislative assistant for the conservative Family Research Council.

The decision would mean that Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics would be forced to choose between either losing federal funding or ending all abortion referrals. This would be historic and deliver a major victory to pro-life supporters.

But more importantly, Republicans say this is not solely about abortion, but whether people who oppose it should have to pay for it.

Title X is a federal grant program that solely provides individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services. It essentially gives taxpayer money to the largest abortion provider in the US.

The Trump administration is trying to ensure taxpayers aren’t stuck with the bill to fully fund Planned Parenthood and other clinics from participating in Title X.

This is another major promise kept by the president, and conservatives everywhere will be rejoicing this major announcement.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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