American Elite News: WATCH: Sarah Sanders Gets Emotional After Reporter Kid Asks About School Shootings



WATCH: Sarah Sanders Gets Emotional After Reporter Kid Asks About School Shootings


White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders got emotional on Wednesday after a kid reporter asked her a question about school shootings.

During the press briefing, Benje Choucroun, a 13-year-old reporting for Time for Kids, said his school recently carried out a lock down drill to prepare students and teachers in case a school shooting took place.

“At my school, we recently had a lockdown drill. One thing that affects my and other students’ mental health is the worry about we or our friends could get shot at school,” Choucroun said. “Specifically, could you tell me what the administration has done or will do to prevent these senseless tragedies?”

As noted by Mediaite, Sanders appeared to choke up a bit when discussing psychopaths killing innocent children and students at schools:

“As a kid, and certainly as a parent, there is nothing that could be more terrifying for a kid to go to school and not feel safe, so I’m sorry that you feel that way.”

“This administration takes it seriously and the school safety commission that the President convened is meeting again this week — an official meeting to discuss the best ways forward and how we can do every single thing within our power to protect kids in our schools and to make them feel safe and their parents feel good about dropping them off.”

Watch below, where a crack in Sanders voice can be heard as she appears to be emotional while discussing school shootings:

While many in the media are desperate to paint Sanders as a “liar” and “awful person,” she continues to show humility and prove why she is a top official in the White House.

Sanders is a class act, and the country should be very proud to have her representing President Donald Trump and the administration.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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