American Elite News: NYT Admits It LIED About Attendance At Trump Rally; Issues Update After POTUS Calls Them Out



NYT Admits It LIED About Attendance At Trump Rally; Issues Update After POTUS Calls Them Out


The New York Times has admitted that it lied about the crowd size at President Donald Trump’s campaign-style rally in Nashville, Tennessee on Tuesday night.

Desperate to attack the president, the liberal paper originally reported that there were only roughly 1,000 people in attendance for Trump’s rally. After Trump unloaded on the outlet for lying, the Times issued a major correction.

After the Times published its reported on Wednesday, Trump ripped the “Failing and Corrupt” outlet for downright lying to readers about the crowd size, saying the liberal paper is full of “very dishonest people who don’t ‘get’ me.”

Not long after Trump’s tweet scorched across social media, the Times issued a correction to its original piece, saying it overlooked 4,500 attendees. Even with the correction, the Times is still well short of what several other outlets reported.

Breitbart News, who sent several reporters to the rally, estimated the crowd size to be more than 8,000.

The Tennessean published a piece featuring a quote from Bob Skoney, the general manager of the Municipal Auditorium, where he said the capacity for Tuesday’s event was 7,500 to 8,000. The arena can hold 9,500 people, but some seats were blocked off due to staging and security for the event.

The Washington Times reported that the Trump campaign estimated that at least 8,000 people at the rally, saying that the Times correction is still inaccurate.

Michael Glassner, the campaign chief operating officer, blasted the Times for peddling fake news to diminish Trump’s movement.

“President Trump hosted over 8,000 patriotic Americans at our rally in Nashville last night, but the New York Times wants to mislead and deceive its declining readership by claiming that we had an ‘audience of about 1,000. This is yet another blatant attempt by the fake news media to deny the truth about President Trump’s success and diminish the reality of the Trump movement.”

Here’s a few images from the rally showing the crowd:


Does that look like 1,000 people?

The liberal paper continues to act like a mouthpiece for Democrats and continues to diminish its own credibility by running false stories that are easy to verify.

The media spent is so desperate to slander and smear Trump, they are telling complete lies and intentionally spreading misinformation for cheap political points.

This is why so many Americans loathe the media and do not trust them to report the news fairly and accurately.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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