American Elite News: WATCH: MSNBC Host Compares Sarah Sanders To Terrorist, Threatens To CHOKE HER



WATCH: MSNBC Host Compares Sarah Sanders To Terrorist, Threatens To CHOKE HER


MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace not only compared White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders to a terrorist on Friday, Wallace said she should be choked at the podium in the briefing room.

During the press briefing on Friday, Sanders was asked about a disparaging comment allegedly made by a White House aide about Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain’s health.

Sanders said President Donald Trump cares about all Americans and does bear responsibility for what takes place in the White House.

This prompted Wallace to say she wanted to strangle Sanders while she was at the White House podium.

“How do you resist the temptation to run up and wring her neck? Why can’t she just say if a staffer said that, we’re going to get to the bottom of it and she’ll be fired?” Wallace asked.

Take note of how none of the three guests on the program corrected Wallace or even flinched when she asked about assaulting Sanders.

Watch below:

Later in the same show, Wallace compared Sanders to Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, a terrorist who served in Saddam Hussein’s army in Iraq.

The terrorist previously attacked a top U.S. diplomat for being “a known Jew.”

When discussing the prospect of having to speak with Sanders everyday at the press briefing, NBC’s John Heilemann said: “I’d slit my throat.”

As a major wave of pressure began mounting online, Wallace gave the worst “apology” imaginable:

In response to her disgusting remarks, conservative activist Mike Cernovich is pushing readers to contact MSNBC’s top advertisers and ask them if they promote violence against women.

Wallace thinks the White House aide who made the alleged disparaging remark about McCain should be “fired.”

Using her own logic, shouldn’t MSNBC fire Wallace for expressing her desire to choke Sanders while comparing her to a terrorist?

In what universe is is tolerable for a host on a major network to tell viewers she wants to choke a White House official?

And then she compared Sanders to a terrorist who likely assisted in operations that led to the deaths of Americans and other innocent people.

Is MSNBC now advocating for violence against women? Will Wallace be suspended for her sickening actions?

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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