American Elite News: WATCH: Maxine Waters Goes On INSANE Tangent Over ‘Make America Great Again’



WATCH: Maxine Waters Goes On INSANE Tangent Over ‘Make America Great Again’


California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters completely melted down on Wednesday while speaking on the House floor, saying she finds President Donald Trump’s phrase “Make America Great Again” to be “offensive” and racist.

As noted by The Daily Wire, Waters said she was offended by the president’s trademark slogan as an African-American woman, claiming the phrase is racist.

After Rep. Mike Kelly, R-PA, finished his speech on the House floor, Waters went on a never-ending diatribe claiming Trump and is slogan is disrespects people of color.

“Mr. Kelly, please do not leave,” she said in response to Kelly defending Trump’s slogan as wanting to make America great for all citizens.

She added: “Because I want you to know that I am more offended as an African-American woman than you will ever be. And this business about ‘making America great again,’ it is your president that’s dividing this country.”

“And don’t talk to me about the fact that we don’t understand,” she said. “That’s the attitude that’s been given toward women time and time again.”

Watch below:

When the committee chair reminded Waters that chamber rules prohibit lawmakers from making comments toward specific lawmakers, she implied he was being racist.

“I respect the chair, but don’t stop me in the middle when you didn’t stop him in the middle, and so I shall continue,” she said.

When the committee chairman tried another time to get Waters to follow chamber rules, which have been in place for decades, she attacked him, Trump, and the idea of “making America great again.”

“I don’t appreciate that you did not interrupt him when he was making those outrageous remarks about him knowing more about discrimination than I know about discrimination. I resent that and I resent the remark about ‘making America great again.’ He’s down here making a speech for this dishonorable president of the United States of America.”

She closed out her remarks by telling Kelly she would not yield her remaining time to him, meaning he couldn’t respond to her calling him a racist for no reason.

“Having said that, I reserve the balance of my time. And no, I do not yield, not one second to you,” she said, repeating, “Not one second. Not one second to you.”

Waters has lost her mind countless times since Trump took office, where she often that he should be impeached from office without providing a shred of evidence to support her egregious claims.

She continues to make the perfect case for why we need congressional term limits.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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