American Elite News: YES: President Trump Put The Swamp On Notice With Comments On Term Limits



YES: President Trump Put The Swamp On Notice With Comments On Term Limits


On Monday, President Trump didn’t hold back on the swamp, tweeting about Congressional term limits.

“I recently had a terrific meeting with a bipartisan group of freshman lawmakers who feel very strongly in favor of Congressional term limits. I gave them my full support and endorsement for their efforts. #DrainTheSwamp”

President Trump has been exceeding all expectations for his agenda items at a rapidly astonishing rate, term limits for Congress would be yet another monumental win for the President’s Administration.

As a presidential candidate, Trump vowed to push for a constitutional amendment that would extend term limits to all members of Congress. During a rally in October 2016, Trump called for placing a six-year limit for members of the House and 12-year limit for senators.

Donald Trump’s campaign pledge to drain the swamp could come into play…

The time has come for the political elite to stop enriching themselves. We have career politicians effortlessly becoming multimillionaires on a $175,000 per year salary.

“We need term limits because Congressional officials, who are supposed to be public servants, enrich themselves off the backs of the American people, becoming purely their donor’s puppets while “working” less than HALF the year. The system is corrupt to the core,” I tweeted on April 23rd.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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