American Elite News: WOW: How Sarah Sanders Privately Reacted After Being Attacked At WHCD Shows Her TRUE Character



WOW: How Sarah Sanders Privately Reacted After Being Attacked At WHCD Shows Her TRUE Character


At the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday, leftist comedian Michelle Wolf delivered a hate-filled monologue that largely mocked White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her personal appearance.

But when the cameras stopped rolling, Sanders revealed her true character, and it will make many Americans very proud.

The Daily Caller’s Benny Johnson published a piece on Monday saying he was at the WHCD, and closely watched how Sanders handled Wolf’s vile attacks like a true professional while sitting no more than five feet away from her.

What a horrid human being Michelle Wolf is. I’m going to read up on her over the next couple of days and I will have a few brutally mean jokes about her by Wednesday.
— Dennis Miller (@DennisDMZ) April 29, 2018

Wolf called Sanders a liar, smeared her personal appearance, called her a disappointment to “white women,” and said she is an “Uncle Tom.”

“It’s a complete disgrace that there wasn’t a single person on the dais that interrupted [Michelle Wolf] as filth was coming out of her mouth” –@michellemalkin on comedian’s Sarah Sanders jokes
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) April 30, 2018
Here’s how Johnson said the audience reacted to Wolf’s nasty, hate-filled comments about Sanders:

“Sanders sat through the insults unsmiling, often looking uncomfortable. I watched the reaction from the sea of journalists and DC influencers packed like sardines into the room at the Washington Hilton as Wolf began leveling her attacks. There was very little laughter. Even the faces of the most liberal reporters cringed during the comments. There was audible groaning. Wolf carried on, reading from her prepared remarks, which also clumsily attacked Kellyanne Conway and made light of aborting a fetus.”

Johnson said he spoke with several members of the White House press corps at an MSNBC after party, and they said they were disgusted by Wolf’s comments.

“I don’t know how she does it,” one of Sanders’ closest allies told Johnson. “She kills them with kindness — she puts up with it. Good-hearted American people see that — and then [Sarah] wins.”

When Johnson said he spoke with Sanders, he said she never once said anything mean about Wolf. She maintained professionalism, said she would pray for Wolf, and refused to stoop to her level.

Here’s how Johnson described the scene at the after party and his conversation with Sanders:

“The MSNBC party was set outdoors. It was a cold and rainy night and the event was winding down. Then the unexpected happened. Sarah Sanders walks into the MSNBC party. MSNBC, an openly liberal network that often promotes the vitriol that just attacked her, was the last place you would expect to find Sanders that night. But there she was. And guess what? Sarah Sanders was smiling. She owned it. I asked her about the attack and she shrugged, cracked a smile and simply told me that the attacks didn’t bother her and that she’s praying for the comedian.”

Sanders is pure class, and the country should be very proud to have her representing President Donald Trump and the White House.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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