American Elite News: BREAKING: New Files Prove Iran ‘Lied Big Time’ About Nukes According To Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu



BREAKING: New Files Prove Iran ‘Lied Big Time’ About Nukes According To Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu


On Monday, Netanyahu presented an arsenal of secret Iranian files, proving Iran had a secret nuclear weapons program.

Within the trove of documents, massive revelations were found, “incriminating documents, incriminating charts, incriminating presentations, incriminating blueprints, incriminating photos, incriminating videos and more,” said Netanyahu.

According to Breitbart:

In a dramatic press conference in Jerusalem aimed at the international community, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday unveiled a cache of secret files he says were obtained from inside a hidden Iranian site and clearly demonstrate that Tehran maintained a secret nuclear weapons program despite declarations to the contrary.

Netanyahu explained that the structure of the U.S.-led international nuclear agreement was in part based on deceptive Iranian descriptions of its previous nuclear work. He said Iran’s failure to disclose its secret program while misleading the world shows the nuclear deal is “based on lies based on Iranian deception.”

The prime minister’s speech was based on 55,000 pages of documents and 183 CDs that Netanyahu said were smuggled out of an “atomic archive” painstakingly preserving Iran’s secretive nuclear program so that the country would have the option of restarting its nuclear weapons activities after the nuclear deal expires or in the case of Tehran prematurely bolting the agreement. Israel’s ability to acquire the archive marks a massive intelligence coup for the Jewish state.

Watch the speech below:

Iran violated the nuclear deal it made with the United States under the Obama Administration. Many foreign policy experts, and President Trump himself, have expressed major concern with this flawed deal.

In 2015, President Trump tweeted, “The Iran nuclear deal is a terrible one for the United States and the world. It does nothing but make Iran rich and will lead to catastrophe.”

The Iran nuclear deal is a terrible one for the United States and the world. It does nothing but make Iran rich and will lead to catastrophe
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 3, 2015

Obama’s nuclear deal with the Iranians will lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. It has to be stopped.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2015

Many on Twitter have ripped the Obama for the deal, “Still can’t understand why the left complains about the 15 Billion it will cost to build the wall but never said a word when Obama gave $150 Billion to Iran,” one user stated.

Still can’t understand why the left complains about the 15 Billion it will cost to build the wall but never said a word when Obama gave $150 Billion to Iran.
— Lori Hendry (@Lrihendry) April 29, 2018

Iran totally played Barack Obama and his worthless Administration.
We sent billions of dollars in cash for Iran to lie and manipulate the “deal.”
At this point, the only thing that makes any sense is Obama is worst deal maker of all time or he wanted to help Iran build nukes.
— Jack Murphy (@RealJack) April 30, 2018

Obama helped Iran cover up their nuke program, got a Nobel prize. Trump helped end the Korean War, no prize. Help me out here
— Jack Posobiec🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) April 30, 2018

In other words, Barack Obama was complicit with a terrorist state’s development of a nuclear arsenal, even with Iran’s stated desire to destroy Israel and America.

If you’re not convinced that Obama is anti American and an anti-Semite, wake up.
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) April 30, 2018

BREAKING: After Obama caved to Iran and sent Billions in cash on pallets, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Iran "lied" after signing nuclear deal and moved weapons to a secret location and that Israel has 'New and Conclusive proof' of that.

— Wired Sources (@WiredSources) April 30, 2018

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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