American Elite News: Gloves Off: Sean Hannity RIPS Media To Shreds For Latest Attacks Against Him



Gloves Off: Sean Hannity RIPS Media To Shreds For Latest Attacks Against Him


Fox News host Sean Hannity ripped the liberal media to shreds on Monday for promoting the latest smear attacks from the far left mob.

In a statement posted to his website,, the Fox host excoriated liberals for slandering him because he invested his own money to become part of a successful real estate group.

Here’s Hannity’s statement:

“It is ironic that I am being attacked for investing my personal money in communities that badly need such investment and in which, I am sure, those attacking me have not invested their money. The fact is, these are investments that I do not individually select, control, or know the details about; except that obviously I believe in putting my money to work in communities that otherwise struggle to receive such support.”

“I have never discussed with anybody at HUD the original loans that were obtained in the Obama years, nor the subsequent refinance of such loans, as they are a private matter. I had no role in, or responsibility for, any HUD involvement in any of these investments. I can say that every rigorous process and strict standard of improvement requirements were followed; all were met, fulfilled and inspected.”

“The LLC’s are REAL companies that spend real investment money on real properties.”

Hannity’s statement is in response to recent reports that he is associated with Hennssler Financial, a wealth management company that controls a group of shell companies that have spent $90 million buying foreclosed homes in the U.S.

Hannity is part of a successful real estate group that purchases a variety of homes to either rent or resell.

In response to the revelation, the far left mob online has conjured up conspiracy theories that Hannity was given an increase in funding on his real estate loan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Liberals desperately want people to believe HUD Secretary Ben Carson and the Trump administration are colluding to help Hannity’s real estate aspirations — yet, there’s absolutely no evidence to support that claim.

Many on social media defended Hannity against this latest smear attack from liberals:

Not uncommon for a celebrity wanting to remain anonymous, nothing deceptive about it. In reality, it's none of anybody's business.
— Make America Great Again (@sayitnspinit) April 23, 2018

It's not your business…he is still a private citizen…your investments aren't his business or anyone else's either. How hard is this to understand
— Terra (@RaynerTerra) April 23, 2018

@seanhannity started with nothing and through hard work and effort has made himself into a financial success. Isn't that the American dream? To be successful at whatever you chose to do in life is everyone's goal. He should be an example for anyone wanting to succeed in life!
— Stephen Smith (@StephenSSmithx2) April 24, 2018

The hit piece comes after Hannity admitted that he has sought advice from Michael Cohen, one of President Donald Trump’s personal lawyers, about real estate.

The mainstream media and liberal pundits have been running countless pieces aimed at portraying the Fox host as a crook for not disclosing that information, which is absurd to attack him for wanting to keep his private life a secret from those who may wish to do him harm.

More importantly, there’s nothing illegal about being a successful entrepreneur. There’s no secret Trump-Hannity-Carson conspiracy to help the Fox hosts’ business dealings.

Just like the left can’t accept that he’s the highest rated cable news host, they also can’t stand that he’s a successful businessman.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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