American Elite News: WATCH: Kyle Kashuv Recalls School Interrogating Him After Gun Range Trip, Reveals What They Said



WATCH: Kyle Kashuv Recalls School Interrogating Him After Gun Range Trip, Reveals What They Said


Parkland student and pro-gun activist Kyle Kashuv was recently interrogated by school officials at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School after he took a trip to a gun range with his father.\

During an interview Tuesday on Fox News, Kashuv told host Tucker Carlson that the school was very upset that he went to a gun range, saying it was “a clear attempt to intimidate me.”

As noted by Fox News Insider, Kashuv posted on Twitter about his trip to the gun range. He captioned the tweet with a message that was intended to show his support for the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms.

It was great learning about our inalienable right of #2A and how to properly use a gun. This was my first time ever touching a gun and it made me appreciate the #Constitution even more. My instructor was very informative; I learnt a lot. #2A is important and we need 2 preserve 2A

— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) April 21, 2018

When he got to school on Monday, he said he was called to the office. When he sat down, he said the resource officer asked him why he’s “taking five AP classes” and would still “do something like this.”

“He came in with the notion that I’ve done something wrong by going to a gun range,” Kashuv said.

Watch below:

Kashuv said the officer told him the video he uploaded alarmed him and that he was worried about his behavior.

He then asked the officer if he read the actual tweet, to which the officer responded: “I don’t do Twitter.”

Kashuv said he asked the sheriff’s deputy if he had done anything wrong, and said the deputy began interrogating him about his father and who the gun belonged to.

“Whose gun is it and who did you shoot it with?” Kashuv said the deputy asked. “The deputy tried to intimidate me into somehow incriminating my father.”

Why was a student interrogated by at least two officers for legally visiting a gun range and exercising his constitutional right to shoot a firearm?

In fact, the video clearly shows Kashuv was following safety procedures, wore proper equipment, and handled the situation professionally.

As Kashuv noted, this latest despicable situation is reminiscent of a “clear road to tyranny.”

What do you think about Kashuv being interrogated for exercising his constitutional rights? Comment below.

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