American Elite News: WATCH: Tomi Lahren Goes On The Most EPIC Pro-Gun Rant



WATCH: Tomi Lahren Goes On The Most EPIC Pro-Gun Rant

Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren went on an epic pro-gun rant on Monday following the left’s latest push for gun control.

Last Friday, at least ten people were killed and many more were injured after a gunman opened fire at the Sante Fe High School in Texas.

Dimitrios Pagourtzis, a 17-year-old student who has allegedly been identified as the shooter, was illegally in possession of the weapons he used to carry out the attack. He illegally possessed a .38 revolver and a shotgun, both of which belonged to his father.

During her “Final Thoughts,” Lahren noted those facts, saying no gun laws could have prevented the tragedy or the alleged shooter from acquiring guns to carry out his attack.

She went on an absolute rampage against the left for exploiting the tragedy for cheap political points and to advance their calls for gun control:

“It’s not the time to use this tragedy as a political prop for gun control but the left can’t help themselves,”

“No one wants to see bullets tear through classrooms but the cold hard truth is, not a single proposed gun control measure could have stopped what happened at Santa Fe High School. Please tell me what gun laws would have prevented this? So why then is the left so quick to blame this on law-abiding gun owners and the NRA? What do we have to do with this? Nothing.”

“You can seize all the guns you want but truth is, there will always be evil in this world and evil people will always find evil ways to carry out evil things which is the EXACT reason many of us choose to be armed. It’s not about how much we love our guns, it’s how much we love the people we protect with those guns.”

Watch below:

Lahren closed out her segment noting that it’s easy to go after guns, admitting it sounds like the right thing to do, but said eroding the Second Amendment isn’t an appropriate strategy.

Liberals are using “safety concerns” as a facade to trample of the right to bear arms, and continue to exploit tragedies to advance their gun-grabbing movement.

She’s absolutely right — if conservatives give Democrats an inch on gun control, imagine what they might try and take next.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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