American Elite News: ‘Under No Circumstances’; Trump Makes Bold Promise To Americans After Syrian Airstrikes



‘Under No Circumstances’; Trump Makes Bold Promise To Americans After Syrian Airstrikes


President Donald Trump ordered and coordinated an air assault on Friday night against three areas in Syria which are believed to be used for storing and manufacturing chemical weapons.

After the multinational mission, which involved the United States, France, and United Kingdom, the president sent a letter to Congress justifying his legal authority to order a military attack.

As ABC News reports, the U.S. reported after the attack that all three targets in Syria were “successfully” hit.

On Saturday morning, Trump applauded the military service and coordination with U.S. allies, calling it a “perfectly executed strike” that “could not have had a better result.”

A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine Military. Could not have had a better result. Mission Accomplished!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 14, 2018

Trump also made a bold promise to Americans after the airstrikes, saying “there won’t be anything, or anyone, even close” to having the capabilities of the U.S. military.

He was referring to billions of dollars that will be allocated to the military as part of the recently signed omnibus bill.

So proud of our great Military which will soon be, after the spending of billions of fully approved dollars, the finest that our Country has ever had. There won’t be anything, or anyone, even close!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 14, 2018

According to Politico, Trump vowed that the nation after the airstrikes that the U.S. wouldn’t have an “infinite presence in Syria,” adding that Americans won’t be stuck footing the bill for another lengthy war in the Middle East:

Defense Secretary James Mattis said that Syrian forces fired at U.S. aircraft and missiles but there had been no reports of losses in the strikes on Syria’s chemical weapons facilities Friday night.

Trump announced the strike in a televised message, saying that al-Assad’s actions were that of a “monster.” But despite a more robust attack on Syrian targets than similar action a year ago, the president was clear that he does not want prolonged U.S. involvement in Syria, a nation that has struggled with a seven-year civil war.

America does not seek an indefinite presence in Syria — under no circumstances,” he said.

Watch Trump’s address below to the nation on Friday night about the airstrikes:

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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