American Elite News: WATCH: Uranium One Whistleblower Speaks Out About Corruption At The Clinton Foundation



WATCH: Uranium One Whistleblower Speaks Out About Corruption At The Clinton Foundation


William D. Campbell, an FBI whistleblower at the center of the Clinton Uranium scandal, has given an exclusive, on-camera interview to The Hill, though speaking in shadows to protect his identity.

During the interview, William reveals that he was questioned in December by FBI agents from the Little Rock, Arkansas for five hours about the Clintons.

“They were looking into the Clintons, and the information that I provided to them about the Clintons and about what was said and confirmed by Russian leadership seemed to be very important to them.”

The FBI has historically shown to be favorable to the Clinton family, but this is certainly a step in the right direction!

According to law enforcement officials and an anonymous witness, FBI agents opened a new investigation into the Clintons and their foundation – with a focus on pay-for-play schemes and tax evasion.

Campbell made it a point to mention, “I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I’m not an independent. I am a damn American.”

Speaking directly to Democratic staff members who questioned his credibility, Campbell says, “None of ’em have ever worked undercover as a confidential informant … and put themselves in clear and present danger with Russian criminals who are breaking U.S. law.”

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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