This town hall was held near Long Island, and Suozzi was suggesting that the 2nd amendment should be used it “Trump ignores the courts”. Apparently, this is the “green light” for Democrats to stage a coup against the White House.
Watch his disgusting remarks below:
“It’s really a matter of putting public pressure on the president,” Suozzi told his audience.
“This is where the Second Amendment comes in, quite frankly, because you know, what if the President was to ignore the courts? What would you do? What would we do?”
“The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms,” he continued.
According to the NY Post, NRCC spokesman Chris Martin has come out strong against these remarks calling them “incredibly disturbing”:
“This video is incredibly disturbing. It’s surreal to watch a sitting member of Congress suggest that his constituents should take up arms against the president of the United States”
Can you imagine if a Republican were to say this about Barack Obama at any point in the last 8 years? The media would be losing their ever-loving minds.
It’s no secret that there is a clear media bias when it comes to guns. Just yesterday, Ben Shapiro absolutely unloaded on CNN for their left-wing bias when it comes to the gun control debate:
.@BenShapiro calls out CNN for bias in their coverage of student gun control activists in the aftermath of the Parkland sho*ting.— The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) March 19, 2018
FULL VIDEO => https://t.co/KNBwTbIi6l pic.twitter.com/vF8UosWhQB
We know gun control will work. Look at how successful the other bans this nation has legislated. They tried to ban alchol. Worked great.Drugs, nope. Theft, nope. Murder, nope. Rape, nope. But guns will be different. The left tells us we can never find 20 million illegals but— Vietnam Navy Corpsman (@paulsmathers) March 19, 2018
1/8The Left Wants More Gun Control.....I say for what Bad guys can still get guns And will use them🤨— 🐉🔥HΔRLΣ¥🔥🐉 (@TruthMaga) March 19, 2018
If not guns it will A Bomb , Knife ,Car Etc....
Signs surely don’t stop them 🙈Guns don’t read And do we really think bad guys Care
Quit Blaming 2A pic.twitter.com/m0kcpn1LIF
We know gun control will work. Look at how successful the other bans this nation has legislated. They tried to ban alchol. Worked great.Drugs, nope. Theft, nope. Murder, nope. Rape, nope. But guns will be different. The left tells us we can never find 20 million illegals but— Vietnam Navy Corpsman (@paulsmathers) March 19, 2018
200 million guns, NO PROBLEM. We can find them easily. Like they found the guns the OBAMA GOVERNMENT sold to drug cartels during FAST AND FURIOUS. We have found all of them, right.— Vietnam Navy Corpsman (@paulsmathers) March 19, 2018
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Source: IloveMyFreedom
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