American Elite News: BREAKING: Male Democratic Strategist ARRESTED For Assaulting Female Trump Admin. Official



BREAKING: Male Democratic Strategist ARRESTED For Assaulting Female Trump Admin. Official


United States Capitol Police have arrested a male Democratic strategist for assaulting a Trump administration official, according to the Daily Caller.

The female Interior Department communications official was reportedly assaulted on Thursday following a House budget hearing.

The suspect, whose identity hasn’t been released yet, was arrested and charged with assaulting another person.

The Democrat reportedly claimed he was an operative with American
Bridge before slamming the female Trump administration official to the ground.

Interior communications director Laura Rigas said she was “greatly alarmed and extremely irate that a female senior member of my DOI Communications team was physically assaulted today by a Democrat staffer from the PAC American Bridge.”

Speaking to Politico, committee spokeswoman Katie Schoettler said spoke about the disturbing incident.

“We are appalled to hear of the events following yesterday’s hearing where a member of Secretary Zinke’s staff was victim to an assault”

“These actions are reprehensible and have no place in this body. We thank the U.S. Capitol Police for their quick response and professionalism. The USCP is now handling the matter.”

The assault underscores the vitriol and violence Trump administration officials and supporters are often subjected to on a daily basis from liberals.

Many are glad to see that the man was arrested and charged, but it further proves how far abhorrent leftists are willing to go to show their opposition to Trump.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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