American Elite News: John Oliver Attacks Christian Faith Of Mike Pence’s Daughter, She Responds With Pure Class



John Oliver Attacks Christian Faith Of Mike Pence’s Daughter, She Responds With Pure Class


During an interview Tuesday with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, Charlotte Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence responded to a sickening new book from comedian John Oliver.

Oliver’s book mocks a recently released released children’s book about the Pence family pet rabbit.

As noted by Fox Business, Charlotte showed class and found a positive in Oliver’s attempt to attack her family:

“I think imitation is the most sincere form of flattery in a way.”

“But in all seriousness, his book is contributing to charities that I think we can all get behind. We have two books that are giving to charities that are both about bunnies, so I’m all for it, really.”

Watch below:

The Pence’s children book is told through the eyes of their pet rabbit Marlon Bundo. It’s meant to illustrate the importance of faith, family, and friends.

But Oliver couldn’t turn down the opportunity to attack the Pence family.

Oliver’s book – “A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo” – also details the life of the Pences’ family bunny, but the rabbit in his book falls in love with another male rabbit.

The rabbit is prevented from marrying him by a stink bug who is against same-sex marriage, which is a not-so-subtle dig at the Pence family for believing in traditional values.

While the Pence family and Oliver are donating all of the proceeds from their books to charity, this underscores how low liberals are willing to go to attack the Trump administration.

A children’s book about a rabbit and traditional values isn’t even safe any longer because of liberals.

What do you think about Charlotte Pence responding with pure class to Oliver?

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