American Elite News: Kevin Nicholson Team: Tammy Baldwin a ‘Liberal Obstructionist’ for Opposing Brett Kavanaugh



Kevin Nicholson Team: Tammy Baldwin a ‘Liberal Obstructionist’ for Opposing Brett Kavanaugh

Kevin Nicholson’s campaign labeled Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) a “liberal obstructionist” on Thursday for opposing President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Baldwin announced on Thursday that she will oppose Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.

“After reviewing this nominee’s record, I know why powerful special interests in Washington selected Judge Brett Kavanaugh to work on the Supreme Court for them, not the people of Wisconsin,” Baldwin said in a statement.

Baldwin also cautioned that another Trump Supreme Court justice might overturn Obamacare, eliminate pre-existing conditions, and overturn Roe v. Wade.

“The people of Wisconsin need a fair, impartial and independent Supreme Court Justice who will stand up for them, not for powerful special interests. I don’t have confidence that Judge Kavanaugh would be that justice,” Baldwin added.

Marine veteran and businessman Kevin Nicolson’s campaign slammed the Wisconsin Democrat in a statement on Thursday, calling her a “liberal obstructionist. Nicholson’s team said:

It is no surprise that a liberal obstructionist like Tammy Baldwin has announced she will vote against the confirmation of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. This is just one of many reasons why we need to defeat Baldwin and increase the Republican majority in the United States Senate. Kevin Nicholson is endorsed by Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee because he will fight for Brett Kavanaugh and other Constitutional originalist nominees like him.

Baldwin has become the second red-state Democrat to oppose Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. Before President Trump announced his pick, Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) said that he will oppose whomever the 45th president nominates. Other red-state Democrats such as Sens. Jon Tester (D-MT), Bill Nelson (D-FL), and Joe Manchin (D-WV) have remained open to backing Trump’s nominee.

Conservatives on Capitol Hill have also endorsed Nicholson for U.S. Senate.

FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon said of Nicholson, “FreedomWorks for America is pleased to endorse Kevin Nicholson, who has served admirably, for the U.S. Senate seat currently occupied by an opponent of fiscal responsibility and conservative values, Tammy Baldwin.”

Great America PAC, a pro-Trump super PAC, endorsed Nicholson last October. FreedomWorks and Club for Growth, two conservative grassroots activist groups, also backed Nicholson for U.S. Senate.

Nicholson has also capitalized on President Trump’s signature issue, immigration, and advocated for building a wall as well as an immigration system that will raise American wages.

In an interview with Breitbart News Sunday, Nicholson said, “We need an economically sustainable sensible plan that shuts down illegal immigration and has a merit-based sensible immigration policy… and that’s what we should be pushing for.”

“[On] the construction of a physical barrier, I’m a former combat engineer in the Marine Corps, and barriers work. They do stop people from crossing them, and that is the entire idea behind them,” Nicholson added.

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Source: Breibart

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