American Elite News: WOW: Andrew McCabe Targets Trump Administration With ‘Secret Law’ Lawsuit



WOW: Andrew McCabe Targets Trump Administration With ‘Secret Law’ Lawsuit


Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against the FBI, Department of Justice, and Inspector General’s office.

According to the Washington Times, McCabe alleges the President Donald Trump’s administration violated procedures when it fired him days before he was set to retire.

In his 36-page complaint, McCabe is targeting the Trump administration, and his lawyers claim there’s no “secret law” they’re adjudicating under. The lawsuit argues that the DOJ should hand over all documents and evidence that was used in the internal investigation against him.

“We don’t create or adjudicate under secret law or procedure,” McCabe said in this lawsuit.

The lawsuit was filed just two days before Inspector General Michael Horowitz is finally slated to release his report detailing the FBI’s mishandling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

McCabe, who previously served as the No. 2 at the bureau, played a big role in the Clinton investigation and the decision to allow the former secretary of state to skirt charges for her illegal actions.

McCabe was fired from the FBI for lying at least four times to investigators about authorizing leaks to the media. In October 2016, he allowed sensitive information downplaying the severity of the Clinton email scandal to be leaked to The Wall Street Journal.

His goal was to mislead voters into believing Clinton didn’t break any laws, but Comey admitted in July 2016, that she did. The DOJ sent a criminal referral for McCabe to prosecutors, who are determining whether he should be charged.

McCabe was fired for his “lack of candor” and lying to IG investigators four times about leaking the information to the media.

His lawsuit also comes at a very interesting, and telling, time. It was filed just two days before the IG report and less than a week after he asked Sen. Chuck Grassley for immunity in exchange for testifying before Congress.

He claims his lawsuit is an effort to restore his “good name,” yet McCabe is a proven liar who was clearly biased against the president.

For starters, Trump didn’t fire McCabe, Attorney General Jeff Sessions did. Trump didn’t have anything to do with McCabe’s employment at the FBI.

Secondly, McCabe is on record lying at least four times to federal investigators.

Thirdly, his actions and behavior were apparently so egregious that a criminal referral was sent, meaning prosecutors felt he should be charged for breaking the law numerous times.

McCabe has every right to challenge his termination, but many agree he has a very weak case and that the federal government 

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