American Elite News: Harris Faulkner’s Latest Tweet About Sarah Sanders Is Going Viral For All The Right Reasons



Harris Faulkner’s Latest Tweet About Sarah Sanders Is Going Viral For All The Right Reasons


White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been subjected to an unprecedented wave of attacks from liberals in the past week.

But a tweet from Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner about Sanders is going viral for all of the right reasons.

At the White House Correspondents Dinner last weekend, leftist comedian Michelle Wolf delivered a hate-filled monologue that largely mocked Sanders for her personal appearance and job performance.

When asked about Wolf’s comments, Sanders displayed pure class and said she wished the comedian “happiness” and that she would be “praying” for her.

Last week, Sanders was then subjected to snide and arrogant questions from the liberal media during the White House press briefing.

In one exchange, CNN’s April Ryan even threatened a physical altercation with Sanders.

Amid all of this, Faulkner went out of her way to not only stand with Sanders, but to praise her for doing such a great job.

On Sunday, Faulkner posted a photo with Sanders that featured a powerful message. Faulkner wrote that Sanders stands on the “Press podium nearly every day doing one of the toughest jobs in Washington.”

“No matter what your politics,” Faulkner continued, “the high road is the goal. Watch this wife and mother of 3 drive #highroad style.”

She stands on the @WhiteHouse Press podium nearly every day doing one of the toughest jobs in Wasgington. No matter what your politics, the high road is the goal. Watch this wife and mother of 3 drive #highroad style.

Faulkner was attacked almost immediately by the liberal mob online for defending Sanders.
Wasgington? Aren't you people supposed to be in Communications and/or Media?
— Jeff Hobbs (@jeffehobbs) May 7, 2018

No. Lying is a choice and she makes a habit of mocking and trying to malign a woman of color. She gets no respect because she deserves none.
— Michelle Bhasin (@michellebhasin) May 7, 2018

Teaching young girls everywhere that lying for a paycheck is acceptable. Forget that whole overrated integrity thing.
— Jagger (@cooke7718) May 7, 2018

This is just a small sampling of what conservative women like Faulkner and Sanders deal with on a daily basis.

They are smeared, insulted, criticized, and denigrated for defending conservatism and President Donald Trump.

Abhorrent liberals refuse to admit or give Trump credit for anything, but luckily these strong women are sticking together and fighting back.

Faulkner’s tweet went viral because Americans are proud of Sanders, who continues to prove why she is one of Trump’s top officials.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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