American Elite News: GLOVES OFF: Meghan McCain SLAMS Jim Acosta For Insulting Trump Supporters [WATCH]



GLOVES OFF: Meghan McCain SLAMS Jim Acosta For Insulting Trump Supporters [WATCH]


On Tuesday, ABC’s “The View” co-host Meghan McCain slammed CNN’s Jim Acosta for disgusting comments he made recently, where he insulted Trump supporters and basically called them stupid.

While discussing the White House Correspondents’ Dinner that took place last Saturday, McCain mentioned Acosta’s recent comments about Trump supporters.

She was explaining that the vile language and comments from the WHCD as well as from Acosta was exactly why so many loathe the media.

As noted by Mediaite, McCain ripped Acosta and the WHCD to pieces:

“This is a big gift to Trump supporters.”

“When you hear people like Jim Acosta say Trump supporters’ elevators ‘don’t go to the top floor,’ there’s this idea that the media -especially people in DC- hate the Trump administration, hate Republicans, hate people in the middle of the country.”

“A lot of Republicans I know were very angry about this. I thought it was distasteful. The dinner should be in the spirit of celebration.”

Watch below:

At the WHCD, the comedian, Michelle Wolf, attacked Sarah Sanders personal appearance, criticized Kellyanne Conway’s appearance and said she wants a tree to fall on her, and “joked” about the practice of killing an innocent, unborn child.

It was so bad that both sides of the political aisle have condemned the WHCD and Wolf.

McCain was also referring to comments made by Acosta last month during an interview with Variety, where he not only trashed the intellect of Americans, he also said they “don’t have all of their faculties.”

Here’s what Acosta said:

“The problem is that people around the country don’t know it’s an act. They’re not in on the act and they take what he says very seriously and they take attacks from Sean Spicer and Sarah Sanders and what they do to us on a daily basis very seriously.”

“They don’t have all their faculties in some cases — their elevator might not hit all floors.”

So if you don’t agree with Acosta’s radical leftist ideology, your stupid. And if you support Trump, Wolf will attack your personal appearance and wish harm onto you.

This is how the media describes regular Americans in the era of Trump.

Whether it’s the WHCD or Acosta, McCain is absolutely right that the media continues to smear Trump supporters and insult them.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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