American Elite News: BREAKING: Kim Kardashian To Make A White House Visit Wednesday For Unexpected Reason



BREAKING: Kim Kardashian To Make A White House Visit Wednesday For Unexpected Reason


The White House is hosting an interesting meeting on Wednesday with reality TV star Kim Kardashian to discuss prison reform and ask President Trump for a pardon for a 62-year-old woman.

Kardashian has been in talks with her lawyer as well as White House Advisor Jared Kushner over the previous months leading up to the meeting.

Though, on a serious note, the reality star won’t be bringing the “Keeping Up with the Kardashian” cameras with her, nor her husband, Kanye West, or even her sisters.

According to The Daily Wire:

She will reportedly be hosted by First Daughter Ivanka Trump and Kushner for dinner later Wednesday night.

Kardashian is expected to ask Mr. Trump for the pardon of Alice Johnson, a 62-year-old grandmother who is 21 years into a life sentence for a first-time drug offense. According to Page Six, the reality star stumbled upon Johnson’s story via Twitter earlier in the year and reached out to Ivanka, who then directed Kardashian to her husband.

“I’ve been in communication with the White House and trying to bring her case to the president’s desk and figure out how we can get her out,” Kardashian revealed in a MIC interview earlier this month.

Among the actions Kushner has taken to make progress on prison reform is bringing religious leaders and law enforcement officials to the White House to address the issue, holding a series of meetings and hosting dinners with “key Washington power players,” and promoting the bipartisan First Step Act, which offers programs to help inmates be more prepared for civilian life and gives nonviolent offenders more options on how to finish out their sentences, including in home confinement and halfway houses.

Last month, Kanye West, the husband of Kim Kardashian, sent the news cycle into a full meltdown when he unleashed a storm of Tweets in support of President Trump. He also admitted, “I love Donald Trump,” in an interview that angered many on the left.

Worth noting, Kanye met with President Trump in Trump Tower during the transition just after the 2016 Presidential election.

It’ll be interesting to see what results from today’s meeting. We’ll keep you updated on the latest here at I Love My Freedom.

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