American Elite News: ‘I Had No Choice Because There Were CNN Cameras’; Student Exposes CNN’s Pressure In Gun Debate [WATCH]



‘I Had No Choice Because There Were CNN Cameras’; Student Exposes CNN’s Pressure In Gun Debate [WATCH]


Did CNN force a Parkland student to become the face of the anti-gun movement?

That’s what Emma Gonzalez strongly implied following the mass shooting that took place last month at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

On Sunday, CBS News’ “60 Minutes” aired interviews with several Parkland students — primarily those working with far-left groups to push gun control.

In one segment, host Sharyn Alfonsi asked Gonzalez if she regretted getting involved in the anti-gun movement.

“Did you ever think ‘I don’t want to get into this, this is a nasty fight that I don’t want to be in the middle of?'” Alfonsi asked.

Gonzalez suggested CNN elevated her stature and forced her into leading the debate after her speech calling for gun restrictions went viral.

“I have no choice because there were CNN cameras there and my speech was broadcast all over the country in like 4 seconds and I had no idea they were going to be there,” Gonzalez said.

Her “We call BS” speech spread like wildfire across CNN and other liberal outlets who exploited the tragedy to push for gun restrictions in America.

Watch below:

While Gonzalez implied CNN forced her to lead the gun-grabbing movement, she exposed her own lack of knowledge while trying to insult President Donald Trump.

As noted by The Daily Wire, Gonzalaz wasn’t even aware of what the recently passed Florida gun control bill said, yet she is against it.

“Rewarding teachers who carry arms with bonuses is stupid. First of all, Douglas ran out of paper for, like, two weeks in the school year, and now all a sudden they have $400 million to pay for teachers to get trained to arm themselves? Really? Really?”

“If you’re a teacher and you have a gun, do you keep it in a lockbox or do you carry it on your person? If the teacher dies and a student who’s a good student is able to get the gun are they now held responsible to shoot the student who’s come into the door? I’m not happy with that.”

As detailed in the package, only $67 million of the $400 million will be allocated to train school staff who wish to be armed, provide additional security at schools, and address mental health issues.

Not only was Gonzalez’ claim inaccurate, Alfonsi was either unaware of her false claim or knowingly allowed her to get away with a peddling false information.

Watch below:

This is exactly how fake news and inaccurate information spread throughout the mainstream media.

Gonzalez not only said CNN forced her into joining the anti-gun debate, she exposed her own lack of knowledge on the issues she claims to be against.

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Source: IloveMyFreedom

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