American Elite News: NEWS Puerto Rican Congress Delegate Just Told The Truth About Trump And Left Jaws HANGING



NEWS Puerto Rican Congress Delegate Just Told The Truth About Trump And Left Jaws HANGING


President Donald Trump has helped a lot in the recovery process in Puerto Rico.

However, the liberals won’t admit the support that he gave to the victims of the hurricane.

Finally, the Puerto Rican delegate in the House of Representatives, Jennifer Gonzalez-Colon explained what exactly Trump has done.

According to Liberty Writers, during her interview with USA Today, Jennifer honored the president for his relief efforts after Hurricane Maria devastated the island. She stated: “I will tell you that everything that the president said that he was going to send to the island, it’s getting there. The resources are there. The help is there.“

She continued by defending the president against the critics that he received because his way of interacting is a little bit different than the people are used to. “There are things that I never do, but, you know, the president is always out of the script.”

Jennifer added: “And I think that’s the main difference. People are used to having politicians that are politically correct, that follow the script, and he’s not like that. I mean, what you see is what you get and that’s the way he is.”

President Trump is well known for accomplishing the promises that he made during his presidential campaign.

The false accusations from the liberals that he isn’t putting enough effort in supporting the island were rejected by Jennifer by saying: “He instructed all his cabinet members to treat Puerto Rico as a state, in terms of this hurricane. I mean, that kind of instruction is important to have access to all those programs.”

Jennifer just told the truth, the one that the liberals wouldn’t even try to understand and accept. She proved that the critics against Trump are totally fake.

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