American Elite News: Hillary Missing After What Was Just Found On Body In Horrific Explosion, Even Dems Are Done With Her Now



Hillary Missing After What Was Just Found On Body In Horrific Explosion, Even Dems Are Done With Her Now


The name Hillary Clinton is always linked with controversy.

Somehow dead bodies just keep piling up around Hilary Clinton everytime someone tries to dig through he secrets.

It looks like Hillary has some skeletons in her closet.

And recently to make things even more bizarre, an investigative journalist who snooped around Hillary’s latest scandal has been found dead. He was blown up to pieces by a rigged car bomb that got detonated seconds after she hit the gas pedal.

A few months ago, investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia had a lead on a massive leak of 11.5 million documents named the Panama Papers that exposed how a Panama law firm aided some of the wealthiest people on earth to establish offshore tax havens in the Central American country.

This evil scheme was designed for crooked politicians like Hillary Clinton to get away from paying taxes by quietly stashing large amounts of money in Panama. This latest murder scene proves that Hillary is ready for whatever just to keep her secrets away from the public. She will go over dead bodies just to secure her dirty money.

Right after Galizia was found lifeless, headlines were filled with the words “political murder.” The whole world is shocked and terrified of Hillary. She is unpredictable and pretty dangerous. Journalist Mark Micallef covered the story and wrote: “Shocking doesn’t begin to describe this.” Weeks before the murder, Galizia notified police officials that she was constantly being watched and she received numerous death threats. Galizia’s death is undoubtedly somehow connected with Hillary in a way. 

And this past year Bernie Sanders was tenacious in his “witch hunt” chasing Hillary for her offshore account. The Democratic senator made a promise to prosecute Hillary in front of the public if she got into the Oval Office. But she lost on Election Day and the rest is history.

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