American Elite News: Caught! Guess Who Was Hiding Behind Closed Doors, Aiding & Abetting Obama, Spying On Trump?



Caught! Guess Who Was Hiding Behind Closed Doors, Aiding & Abetting Obama, Spying On Trump?


Rep. Trey Gowdy is continuing the probe into the huge can-of-worms that was opened up when Russian interference was blamed as the reason for Hillary’s loss and Donald Trump’s win in the 2016 presidential election race.

Accusations from both sides have been tossed around as to who did what to whom and who, if anyone, ordered the alleged wiretapping and surveillance on Trump’s election campaign staff and whether the names of innocent people were illegally “unmasked” and who unmasked them!  Are you confused yet?

The latest person to be “asked” to testify is President Obama’s former national security adviser, Susan Rice, who has curtly declined the invite from the Senate subcommittee. However, Representative Trey Gowdy has plans to subpoena the former Obama minion if she refuses to testify!

As Breitbart reported:

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” while discussing President Barack Obama’s former national security adviser Susan Rice’s decision to decline an invitation to testify before a Senate subcommittee on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said that could lead Congress to subpoena her.

Gowdy said, “There are other ways to invite people other than via a letter. There are things called subpoenas. You shouldn’t have to use it with a former national security adviser, but if you do, you do.” Referencing Rice’s role in the unmasking of  Trump transition officials he said Rice is “a very important witness.”

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He added, “Members of Congress don’t pick the witnesses. Lawyers don’t pick witnesses. The facts pick the witnesses. And whether Ambassador Rice likes it or not, she’s a really important fact witness.”

Watch the Fox News video of Gowdy talking about the subpoena.

There must be a whole lot of naughty things that happened under the Obama administration that Rice knows about and is simply trying not to expose them. Knowing Trey Gowdy for the pitbull he is, Rice is probably terrified at the very thought of testifying.

Prison is not what she had in mind after her time in the Obama administration was over but it may, nevertheless, be what she’s facing when Gowdy gets through with her.

1 comment:

  1. Get her subpoenaed and testified for her knowledge soon
