American Elite News: Cali Store Owner Decides To Do ‘Something’ To Show Hatred For Trump, What She Comes Up With Goes Viral



Cali Store Owner Decides To Do ‘Something’ To Show Hatred For Trump, What She Comes Up With Goes Viral



Since Donald Trump was elected president, he raised more interest in politics from many people.

Unfortunately, there are those who tried to oppose him.

The mainstream media keeps pushing their agenda filled with false accusations. According to My Right America, one person did something disgraceful and pointless, but he got back what he deserved. Breitbart reported: “The owner of a tiny fashion store in the small, conservative California town of Chico put up a billboard on Wednesday afternoon portraying President Donald Trump as Hitler — and you can imagine what happened next.”

Newsweek issued the statement: “Rouse & Revolt owner Nicholle [Haber] told Newsweek that she didn’t sleep much last night. Her phone wouldn’t stop going off with the persistent buzzing of death threats for her sign, which stylizes the number 45 into a swastika and features Trump posed in a Hitler-esque stance.

"I’m living in a small, podunk red town and I’m already getting death threats,’ said [Haber], whose store is in right-leaning Chico, population 90,000. ‘My business has completely floundered. Overnight I had more one-star reviews than all the reviews I’ve received in a year"

No matter what the president is doing, these leftist outlets are always pushing with their negative narratives towards Trump. However, Haber received a lot of negativity about her actions, which got her confused.

It was reported: “But Haber said she’s not only standing behind her beliefs, she’s using the platform of her business to promote her political beliefs.

‘He is not presidential, he is not a president,’ [Haber] told Newsweek. ‘He is a celebrity who was born into money. And he’s a Nazi sympathizer. I am going to stand behind my beliefs regardless.’”

San Francisco Chronicle reports that Jim Moravec—the general manager of Stott Advertising—claims the billboard was removed because he received complaints from people who were confused by the message:

“The speaker wasn’t clearly identified,” Moravec explains. “There’s not sufficient name recognition. It wasn’t clear that this was a business name and not a command or instruction. That combined with the depiction of violence led us to take it down.”

Haber is talking with an attorney as she says, “Nowhere in my contract did it say they have the right to refuse. The fact that they put it up and then took it down is ridiculous. Like, ‘Oops, we didn’t notice that was Trump Hitler.’”

Unfortunately, there are several more event similar to this one, but hopefully, the people will come to an understanding that what they are doing is only wrong and offensive.

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